Delivery robot eT4
Local web interface for managing a last-mile autonomous delivery robot
˙ React, Redux, Leaflet
˙ roslibjs, ros3d, three. js
˙ ROS nodes in Go, Python and C++
˙ L2TP, SSH, VNC to access the robot
Build WEB UI to be working
on the sensor display on the robot.

Implementation of new features connected to ROS (Robot Operating System) in the component-based app.

ROS configuration and DevOps processes.

Record tracks.

Display of the robot's sensors data, including cloud points from lidars.

Work with charts.

Map data display.

Command robot's components, switching modes, etc.

Touch screen
Build WEB UI to be working on the sensor display of the robot
Large UI-elements for convenient using by tapping
Contrasting colors to watch the display in bright sunlight
Data visualization
There is a robot delivery scheme with sensors and visualization
Lidar is the main sensor for getting the picture around the robot. It uses about 300 000 laser rays which allow to determine the exact shapes and sizes of objects
Motor temperature chart displays temperature dynamics of robot motors for the last hour
Odometry uses data from motion sensors to assess the change in the position of the robot over time
Sonar determines exact distance to obstacles using ultrasonic waves
Map interaction
You can create a mission for the robot, edit any point of its way and run the mission
The colours are aligned
with the logotype
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