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Service for business processes visualization and automation
Development of a user interface for process management and visualization
Integration with services:
Moodle, Mattermost, Bitrix24 and etc
Automation of manual processes of interaction with services
What tasks did we have?
Tasks /
How we came to this project /
We conduct IT-lift|7bits educational courses. We invite the best to work after training. All our employees are our graduates.
During the course, we faced a lot of routine tasks. And we came to the conclusion that we need automation.
Courses IT-lift | 7bits
When enrolling in courses, we ask students to fill out a form with their data, after which we need to add them to various services.
Adding students to services /
Students fill out the form, after which they are automatically added to all the necessary services. Fillean automates all processes.
Adding students to all services manually is long and tedious. Especially if the number of students is large.
Problem and solution /
Fillean took over all the routine tasks and started working for us.
We have learned to save labor resources and time
What is the result /
Process journal
We can view all the launches of a particular process, see the time of launches and their results. In case of unsuccessful attempts to detect the step in which the error occurred.
Process view
We can clearly see any process, read information about it, edit it.
List of triggers
We can look at the list of all existing triggers, go to them or to the list of processes where specific triggers are involved.
Created for quick process search. We immediately see which services the process is working with, its status, when it was last launched and with what success.
List of processes
How it looks like /
Sorting processes
by triggers
We can sort the list of processes by the trigger we need and see processes only with the involvement of this trigger.
Backend consists of microservices, each service is responsible for integration with CRM, VCS, etc. Microservices are a set of Maven projects. Projects are extensible and reusable through the SmartActors framework. The user interacts with services through the core.
The core monitors the execution of business processes and exchanges messages with other services.
New functionality is added without stopping the service by versioning.
We use PostgreSQL as a database. The data is documents. So we can store any set of fields for any business process.
React JS
Redux JS
How it works /
Ant Design
The client side was created using React. During the development, a component-oriented approach was used: the entire application is divided into components, which allows you to reuse the code and easily expand the component base.
Ant Design as a library of UI components significantly reduces the code base and allows you not to reinvent the wheel, but to use ready-made and used components.
The React Flow library was chosen to display business processes. This library provides many features for displaying charts, as well as for creating and editing them.
Fillean will help you get rid of the routine by automating all manual tasks
We can connect any service for you, whether it is a CRM system or a messenger
You will be able to create your own business process
We have automated our processes in the company and can help automate yours
How we can be helpful /